With booth seating being so popular with customers of all ages, it is no wonder more and more restaurants are adding it to their seating plan. Booths offer extra comfort and privacy compared to other seating options. When it comes to choosing the perfect booths for your business, the main consideration to make would be the booth back designs. You want to make sure you find an option that can meet all of your needs while meeting the expectations of your valued customers.

Purchasing any piece of equipment or furniture for your business requires careful thought and planning. When it comes to choosing booth back designs, there are a few factors to keep in mind.


One of the most important elements of choosing booth back designs is the style. You want to make sure your booth backs will not clash with your overall décor. For example, if you are looking for a lively and colorful atmosphere, choosing booth backs with a more sophisticated style will not look right to your customers. While there are many different styles of booth backs, from finished wood for a country feel to velvety fabrics with buttons patterns creating a textured style, that doesn’t mean they are all going to work with every single décor. Color also plays a role in choosing your booths. Make sure the colors match or accentuate the surroundings of your dining space.


While booths are usually associated with increased comfort, there are certain options that are more comfortable than others. For example, wood booths without any type of cushioning may be beautiful to look at but they can be uncomfortable for longer dining experiences. One way to ensure comfort rests in the booth back. Choose options with added padding and cushions for adequate support and comfort your customers will love.


Another factor when consider booth back designs is the type of durability it offers. Each type of booth back will require attention and maintenance to keep it lasting for years and looking like new. Wood booth backs are easy to clean and care for making them durable for many years. Upholstered options vary in durability based on materials. Fabrics of softer varieties may acquire stains and tears that need to be reupholstered or repaired. There are sturdier materials such as polyester and leather. Leather booth backs are popular because they are easy to keep clean and last for many years.

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